Cody Enterprise is a business service business. We have been helping businesses develop, reshape, and grow since 1991. We offer an array of services to facilitate the small to mid size business. Our staff is qualified and technically trained professionals who focus on the needs of our customers. We pride ourselves on the best quality and customer friendly service available. Our clients are like family, we always have their best interest at heart.



We are the accountants so you don't have to be.

Many business owners juggle the responsibilities of their company and more to often those businesses fail. We know accounting for your company is the most important part of your new or growing business so we do it for you.

We believe, you are the most valuable asset of your company and we help you maximize that productivity. When you are a business owner you are the captain of a ship. You are directing, guiding, forecasting, and planning your company's course of action and its direction for the future. You are not in the galley cutting potatoes. We free you up and give you the room to do what you do best, grow your company.


Flexibility - We are there when you want us.
Customize Services - You decide from our menu of services what you would like for us to do.
Affordability - Because you choose what you want, you structure the cost to fit your budget.
Independent - No employee cost are incurred.